Montag, 12. März 2007

The Lives of Others


The German movie "Das Leben der anderen" is running in the Michigan Theater this week.
For its schedule please check:

Tickets are only $5 on Wednesdays!

Montag, 5. März 2007

German Day Project - German2

To everybody:
Please prepare the lines you want to say when you will be filmed as great-grandchildren or friends of the families of Hans and Sophie Scholl, Alexander Probst or Fritz Hartnagel.
Filming will take place tomorrow during lunch!

Montag, 26. Februar 2007

German Day Project - 2

What will we be working on?

A fake documentary about Sophie Scholl.
You are members of the “Weisse Rose”, friends from school, friends of the family, former neighbors, etc. who survived the war. And now you are giving interviews for the purpose of the documentary. In addition, we will include some footage by re-enacting scenes based on the movie, letters and any further information you can find.
You would have to work together on the following: doing research and trying to put together as much relevant information as possible, working on the screenplay, creating a storyboard, putting together the cast, the director, camera operator, etc., shooting scenes and finally editing the movie.

The film project is not ment to be a full movie. Because we have only a short amount of time, the final material will be set up as preview/trailer (no longer than 5 minutes). This means we will have about one week to shoot scenes and one week to edit everything.

Your help, commitment and active involvement is absolutely needed for this project, because it will include a lot of work and – last but not least – a lot of fun!

Sonntag, 18. Februar 2007

German Day Project

Last Thursday you received a sheet regarding the German Day project and it is important that you start thinking about this project and also start working on it.
Come up with ideas and suggestions yourself and be as precise and concrete as possible.
Please have all project-relevant material with you and be prepared when we meet on the 26th again.
Have a great break.

Freitag, 9. Februar 2007

Hausaufgaben für den 12. Februar 2007


Beantwortet die 3 Fragen die auf dem Zettel stehen,
den ich am Donnerstag ausgeteilt habe.
Bis Montag!

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